CNSA Quiz 'n' Chips

The CNSA’s next Quiz and Chips evening will be on Friday 10th May from 6.30 for a 7pm start.  Tickets cost £6 for adults, £4 for 18s and under.  It’s always a fun evening, suitable for all ages and is a sell out so please reserve your table.
Please book tickets via [email protected] (see poster)
We’re starting to plan events for the rest of the year, so if you’d like to get involved, email [email protected] to find out more, and please follow us on Twitter @CNSAssociation to hear what we’re up to.  

You can support CNSA all year round by buying a lottery ticket through Your School Lottery:, which will give you a chance of winning a cash prize each week, as well as helping us raise much needed funds to enrich the education of CNS students.
And you can support our fundraising at no cost to yourself through Easy Fundraising which supports CNSA when shopping with online retailers:  

Thank you for your support and we hope to see you at the Quiz!